
Yellow Ribbon Endowment Fund
Supports the Yellow Ribbon Fund, a nonprofit providing housing, transportation, caregiver, and family support to severely injured, wounded, or ill post-9/11 service members of the United State Military who are receiving treatment at the Walter Reed National Medical Center in Bethesda, MD.

Karen and Patrick Marks are cradle Catholics with a strong desire to give back to their community. “After Karen’s mother passed away, we realized we needed to begin making plans so family and friends would know the organizations we support,” Patrick shared.

Patrick served in the Air Force and both his father and Karen’s father fought in World War II, so they knew they wanted to do some- thing for veterans. One night while watching television, they saw a story about the Yellow Ribbon Fund, a veteran service organiza- tion providing housing, transportation, and caregiver support to severely wounded, ill, or injured post-9/11 service members receiving medical treatment at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. They liked that it’s a small nonprofit organization founded by a couple who went through an injury and knew firsthand what military families in that situation needed. “Assisting military families facing medical crisis is the perfect match for our veteran fund,” shared Patrick.
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